Monday, November 13, 2006

Collaboration Tool

Today I took some time to set up a collaboration tool for easier sharing of our writing, so we can all collaborate in real time and not have to re-edit the same parts by emailing every day... to eliminate the need to duplicate or triplicate things....
Below is the copy of the email setting it all up:

OK... in case any of you can’t log into the site for collaboration, here is the direct links... you will probably have to log in using your email address that you just received this email from....

Here is the first one for Rough Draft - Non-Profit: ...this link is for the whole document that will eventually turn into the final draft... I’ll start working on implementing as each of you continues with your parts... Feel free to look, add, etc... OK...

This is the link for Corrisa and her portion of the report:

This is for Ayumi and her portion:

This is for Emile and his portion:

If any of you want, we can remove the ability to collaborate or change your work online by others for your individual section and then it we can have it be viewable only to others in the group, without the ability to make any changes... Let me know and I can do it... or I think you can also do it without my help... just invite whomever as viewers... and if they are already listed as collaborators it will automatically change them to viewers only.... But either way, I can make it happen if it makes you more comfortable... I just think this is good for all of us to see... so we can give input along the way without several emails... and attachments all the time...

Corrisa, since you made it pretty clear, you didn’t want anyone messing with your work before you were done with it, yours is only viewable by Emile and Ayumi and now only you (or me, which I wont) can make changes to your work on your section... so if anyone else wants to give her your opinions or thoughts on her section, just email her and let her know... OK...? If the other two of you wants the same thing... let me know.....or follow the directions in the previous paragraph....

As soon as any of you start doing your portions, please start putting it online... or just let me know if you have problems and only want to deal with traditional email.... but this program is designed for students to collaborate on group projects online... so it should be pretty helpful.... Your opinions are valued and if we as a group don’t like this method, just say you don’t like it and we can revert to email only... I know for me, this will be helpful when I’m doing the summaries that come from all the work... Please be sure, if any of you start writing or organizing your stuff prior to Thursday that you put it on here... OK.

Corrisa is going to send out a list of the breakdown of who is doing what..... In fact, if Corrisa is unable to, I’ll paste your section that you are responsible for onto your corresponding link above, into the beginning of your document as a reminder of where to start... Plus, we may want to consider the exact questions in the executive summary we turned in today and whose areas cover those, since a few of them are a bit different.... Do you think we should do this, anyone??

This is mostly for Emile, but don’t forget we are meeting at the Coffee People that is on the north end of campus off of Jackson, I think it was, and 6th Avenue at 4 PM on Thursday, November 16th. If anyone knows or can get the exact address for Emile that would be great... And Emile, we don’t have class this Wednesday, just work on the project... Email with any questions....

Talk to you all soon... let me know if anything in this email confuses you or if you have any problems... Feel free to call or email anytime..... Just as an FYI, I’ll be entrenched in a paper that is a major portion of one of my class grades and is due this Thursday, for the next couple of days... so I may not be quite as talkative or harder to reach... but I will help you.... After that, life will get better and I’ll focus more on this project..... Thanks and good luck....